Niti jedan fajl video formata se ne nalazi na serveru ovog bloga.
Sav sadržaj u okviru linka koji pronađete na ovom blogu nalazi se na drugim sajtevima kao što su: Onlystream.tv , Vidoza.net , ...
Ovaj blog u formi linka indeksuje sadržaj koji se nalazi na drugim sajtevima.
Takozvano “EMBEDOVANJE”, po presudi Apelacionog Suda Sedmog Okruga Sjedinjenih Američkih Država (United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit) u slučaju MyVidster, ne predstavlja kršenje autorskih prava.
https://www.cnet.com/news/embedding-copyright-infringing-video-is-not-a-crime-court-rules/https://mashable.com/2012/08/03/embedding-video-copyright-infringement/According to the Appeals Court ruling, MyVidster "doesn't touch the data stream" and therefore doesn't host the infringing video, but links to versions hosted elsewhere on the Web.
The court ruled Thursday that embedding a video that infringes on copyrighted material is not a violation of copyright law. For example, if you found an episode of The Simpsons on YouTube and embedded it in your blog, you would not be violating any copyright laws. That holds true even if the person who uploaded the video ripped it straight from The Simpsons season 3 DVD. However, the person who uploaded the video is in violation of the law.
Ukoliko mislite da su Vaša prava povređena, ili prava Vaših klijenata, preporučujemo Vam da posetite servere na kojima se taj sadržaj sa linkova nalazi i da od njih zahtevate da taj sadržaj uklone, jer su oni odgovorni za isti - NE MI.